Email us at to set up a time to talk about bringing us to your event.
We can present, be part of a panel, or be a facilitator.
Find out for yourself why we get standing ovations and rave reviews from medical professionals, parents, and the public when we bring our own brand of edutainment.
We bring our wit and our wisdom, our lived experiences and gathered knowledge, and pack it into a well-paced presentation meant to keep your audience engaged.
Our words may make people cry, may make people laugh, should make people think, and are designed to drive them to action.
As two young women who found purpose in pain, show self-acceptance with scars, and have created an international support community, we are the motivational speakers you should hire.
Here’s suggestions of topics we can address:
Being An Advocate For Yourself And Others
Creating Impact With Your Creativity
Coming To Terms With Your Own Mortality In Your Youth
Social Media On Your Terms, For Your Purpose
Finding Gratitude, Passion, And Purpose In Trials
Bionic Babes: Life With ICDs, Surgery, & Shocks
Facing An Unexpected Diagnosis
Good Mental Health Despite Poor Physical Health
Life With An Invisible Disability
Running A Million-Dollar Nonprofit With A Thousand-Dollar Budget
Finding Humor Among The Pain
The Two Reasons Why Women Are Less Likely To Survive Sudden Cardiac Arrest & Why We Need To Flash The Boobs To Save A Life
When Your Life Is Derailed In Your Youth
Body Positivity, Self-Acceptance, & Mental Health
Being Big-Hearted: Living With HCM
Creating A Community Of Patient-to-Patient Support
The View From The Other Side Of Death
Achieving Real Change In Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survival Rates
Finding The 1 in 300 Youth With An Undiagnosed Heart Condition
The Warning Signs We Can’t Ignore
General Patient Support And Information
We can craft a presentation custom-made for your audience.